Facts about South Dakota

South Dakota's estimated population in 2019 is currently at 892,631. The state covers a vast area, covering 77,116 square miles, making it the 17th largest state in the country by area. For each of those square miles, there is an average of 10.7 people. It's the 46th most densely populated state in the US.

Map of South Dakota

Flag of South Dakota

South Dakota's state flag features the seal of a blazing sun in the center against a background of sky blue. The gold-colored words "South Dakota" appear above the seal and the official state nickname appears below (The Mount Rushmore State).

South Dakota's state bird is the Chinese ring-necked pheasant, which is native to Asia. These birds were introduced to many other nations, including the US, nearly two centuries ago.

Chinese ring-necked Pheasant

American Pasque Flower

South Dakota's state flower is the American Pasque flower, which was adopted on March 5th, 1903. The history of the pasque flower and its early blossoms in the spring was what made it the floral emblem of South Dakota.

South Dakota's state mineral, Rose Quartz, was a pink-colored quartz discovered near Custer, South Dakota in the 1880s and was mined in the southern Black Hills. It was adopted as the state's mineral in 1966.

Rose Quartz